Component Library for
Modern Web Application

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Vue.js 2

Based on Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework with incredible performant and incrementally adoptable ecosystem


Style UI with Sass, the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world

Webpack 4

Build system powered by webpack, a static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications

Carefully Thought UI

Elegant, simple, minimal core with an incrementally scalability that can handle apps of any scale.

Every component was designed with carefully thought for common use cases, you can combine them just like Lego.

  • 3 pre-built layouts
  • 8 common pages
  • 200+ components
  • 35+ widgets
  • clean and modulr code
  • based on Flexbox
  • fully responsive
  • ...and much more

Easy to Start

Only need to include four core files, then you can start project.

Many common features are built with vue.js like dropmenu, modal, date-picker, its easy to use with just one line code.

With well documented demos, you can easy import code from it.

All of these for the perfect price

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